Welcome to Dental Smile
In a time when many dental surgeries operates, we are claiming a place in the field, in order to treat your dental needs with full responsibility. We recognize the importance of oral function both as chewing as well as express and appearance but also as good physical health. Driven all this, we decided to open a dental clinic. We understand very well the anxiety and sometimes the fear caused by dentist's chair, but we also know the cause of the problems and the way to handle them. We have 30 years of experience in the psychology of dental patients. We approach them in a holistic way, so the patient can understand the reason of his problem and be healed.
Ulitsa Chernorizetz Harbar 3 SOFIA - +30 6944522635
Clinic and Facilities
Certified Doctors
Patient history
Payment by card
STORIES OF TEETH Another approach
Athanasios Efthymiou
Doctor of Medicine, Surgeon Dentist
Years of Experience
Complex cases
Satisfied Patients